Wheel It Forward 1000
Be part of Wheel It Forward 1000 community - our only fundraiser of the year. Help us help YOU and your neighbors by supporting this grassroots effort to sustain, grow and spread this new kind of community library that we hope to expand across the USA!
We aim to have 1000 community members donate during this drive.
No amount is too large or too small.
Donate Now:
What we do
We are a volunteer-run community library that enables anyone to easily borrow or donate durable medical equipment - think wheelchairs, rollators, hospital beds, knee scooters - at no cost.
What will we do with money raised?
Seed our library so we can always say yes to YOU and your neighbors in a time of need. Improve our website and build our technology platform so we can spread this community resource to other places across America. Your gift will help us purchase, repair, and maintain our inventory of medical equipment, as well as cover the costs of storage, delivery, and pickup. Every dollar you donate will go directly to serving our clients- people like you who at one time or another will need a wheelchair, crutches or a hospital bed for a short period.
Our impact in 2023
Over 600 people reach out to us every month to either borrow or donate equipment. We have helped over 6000 people borrow or donate equipment up about 20% over last year. We lend out roughly $4000 of equipment EVERYDAY at no cost. For every dollar we spend we lend out $4 of equipment. Since we started 3 years ago we have kept over 250,000 pounds from going into landfills. We are about to launch the second branch of our library in Bridgeport in the coming weeks.
Help us help YOU and your neighbors and support this grassroots effort to sustain and grow YOUR community library!